Wednesday, September 8, 2010


A fourth grader got kicked in the balls today, and then stomped on. I found him laying face down in the grass, tears streaming down his face, other playground mates huddled around him. The culprit was an older girl who had ran up to him, deliberately placed the kicks, and then ran away. Don't worry, we got her.

Just doing my job.


Lfoxy said...

oh dear. thanks for doing your job. we need duties like you.

Kori said...

Okay, I know I shouldn't laugh, but I can't help it. Thanks for making the world a better place. And welcome to the wonderful world of child care. ;)

Erin said...

Did you not tell me this story in person so I could have the enjoyment of reading it? Well thanks. Sorry that happened. Is the boy in shock now? Poor kid. They didn't tell you in your job description you would be a duty. That is a major perk!

Jim/Blog said...

you "got her"?! It sounds like we won't be seeing that little girl in the near future. or ever again. ;)