Sunday, April 25, 2010

Nurse nee nee

I'm dedicating this post to LAUREN: congrats on getting into the nursing program at Boise State! She (and my Dad:)) have spent countless nights doing quizzes on Blackboard. I lived with Lauren her freshman year of college, she has come a long way from napping through afternoon classes, playing guitar when she could have been studying (I had nothing to do with that), and staying up late to talk on the phone, remember how I was so mean to you about that? sorry. Lauren never misses class these days, she studies, she does elaborate work outs. Congrats to Lauren!!!
p.s. she also makes sure her daughter gets plenty of soy products.


Sutton said...

Yay I am so excited for her!

Lfoxy said...

oh emily. i couldn't have done any of it without you. thanks for loving me. thanks for singing with me. thanks for being my mother away from home during those most interesting days in bellingham. i am so glad you are in boise so we can do crazy workouts together.