Monday, May 10, 2010

Dinner Party

The Dinner Party from emily fox on Vimeo.

here's the latest video sketch. tell me what you think!


Lindsay said...

I would LOVE to see you too! My phone is (206)963-1926. I work during the days. Wed--home by 3:30pm & Thursday-- Home by 5:40pm.

Emily Fox King said...

An excellent little soiree! -Father Fox

lissalynn said...

things that make you go hmmmmm...
i like it, i wanted more footage at the end of the dolls at the table, more shots of the finished product. but quite the party! you were always a great hostess.

Lindsay said...

I think I now have hunger.

Maddison Colvin said...

It makes me want to have another elegant little candlelit dinner with you and the artfolks.