Wednesday, December 5, 2007

The Education of Children

"education of the schoolchildren" hand-colored etching (click on image for close-up)
"pretty is as pretty does" etching
I guess I'm not done exploring the issues and characters I created in this print from last year, that is where my new work is departing from. Not sure where I'm going, or even what I'm doing here at graduate school. I just keep making stuff. Oh the journey!!


Lfoxy said...

you are just so talented. i love your work. all of it.

Kori said...

I love looking at your work! I wish I was so artistic. You will have to stop by when you come to town later in the month.

Erin said...

I like the crowd of babies that are somehow sitting all together like they are so wise, the wisest and most well behaved creatures.