Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Glory Days

As I posted about earlier, Lauren and Ruby flew into town for the weekend. We ate a lot of good food, saw an improv show, and visited with friends, one of them being Cami J. featured below. These photos are from a visit to my studio.

To celebrate Lauren's new beginning as a single and eligible woman, Cami, Lauren and I wrote down negative thoughts on plates that we didn't want to think anymore. Although, I wrote two good things I try to believe on mine: I'm cute and I'm rad. Then we went and broke the plates, see video below. (I threw my plate "frisbee style," something I picked up in Bellingham, as I couldn't throw a frisbee before I moved there.) Anyways, you'll have to check out Lauren's blog, to see her documentation of the event. (not sure if she posted about it yet)

1 comment:

Jackie said...

Man, I could use some plates...

PS- That baby niece of yours is to die for. Seriously.