Sunday, February 15, 2009

Post Valentine's Day Breakdown

This post has no picture. I didn't have a valentine this year, come to think of it, I don't usually. It is 12:52am as I write this, and so take that into consideration with what I am about to say. I'm thinking about the Sam Phillips song that Lauren used to sing as a highschooler "I need love." My valentine's day consisted of working at school in my studio most of the day while it snowed outside. Then in the evening, the band came over and we practiced. At the end of practice all the band members kissed me on the cheek, that was a sweet gesture, but not enough. I just want to express my lack of faith in finding "somebody to love" (thanks Queen). It doesn't feel like a reality for me. All the guys I like don't like me back, and it seems that the only guys that like me are the ones I'm not into. Such is life, it will all work itself out one day right?


Chelsea said...

I hated Valentine's Day for the first 24 years of my single life. Hope today's a better day. I got a garbage can for Valentine's Day if that's any consolation.

lissalynn said...

as they call it in spanish, V day is "el dia de amor". if i were there i would have been loving you to pieces. having said that, i hear ya sister. brazos

Julie in the studio said...


Jewels said...

AMEN sistah, you know I can relate. And may I say also that you know you're the gem all those boys are missing out on.

debfox said...

Yes, yes, it will all work out. And you can be happy now, then and in spite of or in addition to, because of, or irregardless of.

Lindsay said...

Yeah, I know Em. I, too, hate Valentine's Day.
Does there REALLY need to be an internationally recognized day for people to ask me if I'm dating anyone yet?