Sunday, November 4, 2007

Come with me to the Grand America Hotel...

My roommate Kate and I dined in style this weekend at the Grand America Hotel in Salt Lake. We had the Seafood buffet. I did not include plates number 1 and 2 in the blog photos, but the sushi is on my third trip to the buffet. And for the dessert plates, there is an assortment of chocolate mousse and fruit desserts on dessert plate 1, dessert plate 2 consists of a raspberry cream and sponge cake and a chocolate covered strawberry. It was delicious. The lights were very dim, hence the fuzzy photographs. I think treating yourself to a fancy shmancy dinner every once in a while is a totally valid way to celebrate your life. Where was the last place you ate a really great meal?

1 comment:

Chelsea said...

Em, it's Chelsea.
Hmm...the last fancy meal I ate was in Chicago in August. I was by myself on a business trip, and consequently had to enjoy the meal all my my lonesome. I was eating at a fine Italian restaurant across the street from the Peninsula hotel where Brangelina were currently staying with their pack of kids. The paparazzi were staked out front, but no sightings were seen as I ate my meal. I have had many a fine meals on my companies tab.