Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Busy day!

sorry for the glare.

If you had to give these ladies names, what would they be?


Carrie said...

You know, the one in front looks kind of like a nerdy version of you. I don't know what to name them all, but I'm real curious about their relationship with each other.

galen dunn said...

from left to right:
Norma, Sandy, Amy

Amanda said...

Eunice, Claire, and Molly.
I love this one!

debfox said...

Left to right:
Mabel, Carol and Linda.

Is the tree in the middle of the painting symbolic of anything? Is there a rift in the family tree? What is the relationship between these women? Sisters? Aunt and nieces? This is a good illustration. Tell me the story :)

S. Schuller said...

I love this painting, Em. I would say: Marguerite, Isabel and Clara.

Lindsay said...

Ethyl, Birdie, and Joanne

Camilla said...

Gwendolyn, Bea (short for Beatrice) and Mary-Beth

Julie in the studio said...

Ingred, Patrice and Stella